Sunday, February 27, 2011


salam 'alaik

Tahniah !


pasukan debat bahasa arab


pasukan debat bahasa inggeris

mabruk 'alaikum !

semoga kejayaan kalian

menambahkan lagi ingatan dan syukur kalian kepada Nya

Syukron kerana membaca post ini.Moga dapat manfaat darinya,inshAllah :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Taqwa : Fear of Allah

Ibn Juzayy said in his dictionary of terms from the introduction to his tafsir:
"Taqwa's meaning is fear, clinging to obedience to Allah and abandoning disobedience to Him. It is the sum of all good."
And in his commentary:
We will discuss taqwa in three sections.


Concerning its benefits derived from the Qur'an, and they are fifteen:
  • Guidance, because of His words "guidance for the muttaqeen (the people of taqwa)";
  • Help because of His words "Truly, Allah is with the people who have taqwa";
  • Close friendship [with Allah] because of His words, "Allah is the close friend of the muttaqeen";
  • Love because of His words, "Truly Allah loves the muttaqeen";
  • Covering over [of wrong actions] because of His words, "If you have taqwa of Allah He will make for you a discrimination and He will cover over for you your wrong actions";
  • A way out from unhappiness, and provision from where one does not expect because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will make a way out for him and provide him from where he does not expect";
  • Facilitation of affairs because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will make ease for him in his affair";
  • Full covering over of wrong actions and magnification of rewards because of His words, "Whoever has taqwa of Allah He will cover over his wrong actions and magnify a reward for him";
  • Acceptance of actions because of His words, "Allah only accepts from the people of taqwa";
  • Success because of His words, "Have taqwa of Allah in order that you might succeed";
  • Good news because of His words "For them there is good news in this world and in the next";
  • Entrance into the Garden because of His words "Truly, there are for the people of taqwa with their Lord Gardens of bliss";
  • Salvation from the Fire because of His words "Then We will save the ones who had taqwa".


There are ten things which awaken taqwa:
  • Fear of punishment in the next life;
  • Fear [of punishment in] this life;
  • Hope of worldly reward;
  • Hope of the reward of the next world;
  • Fear of the reckoning;
  • Shyness and bashfulness before the gaze of Allah, and this is the station of fearful watchfulness (muraqabah);
  • Showing gratitude for His blessings by obeying Him;
  • Knowledge, because of His words, "They only fear Allah, of His slaves, the ones who have knowledge";
  • Exalting and honouring His majesty, and it is the station of awe;
  • Sincerity in love because of the words of the one who said:
"You disobey God while you make apparent that you love Him,
          This, by my life, in analogy is a marvel.
If your love were sincere you would obey Him,
          Truly, the lover towards the one he loves is obedient."
And to Allah be attributed the good of the one who said:
"She said, and she had asked about the state of her lover,
          'For Allah's sake, describe him and do not omit nor exceed!'
I said, 'If he had feared death from thirst,
          and you had said, "Stop! don't approach the water!" then he would not have approached.'"


There are five degrees of taqwa:
  • That the slave should protect himself from kufr (covering over the truth), and that is the station of Islam;
  • That he should protect himself from acts of disobedience and forbidden things, and it is the station of turning or repentance (tawbah);
  • That he should protects himself from doubtful matters, and that is the station of caution or carefulness (wara');
  • That he should protect himself from even those things that are permitted, and that is the station of doing without (zuhd);
  • That he should protect himself from the presence of other than Allah in his heart, and it is the presence of witnessing (mushahadah).
That ends what Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi wrote on taqwa.

Syukron kerana membaca post ini.Moga dapat manfaat darinya,inshAllah :)