Saturday, March 5, 2011

When we make du'a .

Asking Allah for forgiveness , for help , for guidance ,for patience , any thing you wont you can ask from Allah but We should be conscious of how we conduct ourselves when we ask of Allah. There are a number of manners and etiquette we should take heed of.

1. We should only beseech Allah for that which is lawful and good.

We should also avoid beseeching Allah with anything that transgresses against other people. It is Allah who enjoined upon us to beseech Him in prayer, and it is Allah who says: “Do not transgress; for Allah does not love transgressors.” [Al-Baqarah: 190]

2. The best supplications are those which are found in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed us to offer personal supplications while sitting after tashahhud at the end of our formal prayers, saying: “Then he should choose from the supplications what seem appropriate and offer those supplications.” [Sahih al-Bukhari (835) and Sahih Muslim (402)]
Another is: “O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the punishment of the grave. I seek refuge with You from the Antichrist. I seek refuge with You from the trials of life and death. O Allah! I seek Your refuge from sin and from debt.” [Sahih al-Bukhari (833) and Sahih Muslim (589)]
We should make an effort to offer the supplications which are given to us in the Qur’an and those which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recommend. These are certainly the best supplications. They guarantee us that our supplications will be correct in their meaning and lofty in purpose.
It is not necessary to recite these supplications verbatim in Arabic, especially for those who have difficulty doing so. However, it is good to offer supplications that convey the same meanings as those found in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

3. We should beseech Allah in full confidence.

We should never offer a supplication as a “test” to see if it will be answered. When we ask of Allah, call upon Allah, we are calling upon our Almighty Lord: “Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, ‘be’, and it is!” [YaSiin: 82]
Allah loves it when we ask of Him and open ourselves up to His mercy and benevolence. It angers him when someone turns away from Him and disdains to ask of Him. Allah is Most-Generous, Most-Bounteous. His bounty knows no limit. Therefore, when we ask of Him, we should do so with full trust and certitude.
The more certain we are that Allah will answer us, the swifter and more certain will be the answer. It is related that prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Ask Allah being certain that He will answer, and know that Allah will not answer the supplications of a heart which is distracted and not serious.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhi (3479)]

4. We should endeavor to derive our sustenance only from lawful means.

Sa`d b. Ab? Waqq?s once asked the Prophet: “O Messenger of Allah! Ask Allah to make me someone whose prayers are always answered.”
The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied to Sa`d: “Make sure that what you eat is pure and lawful. Then your prayers will be answered.” [Musnad al-Tabarani al-Awsat (6495)]
Since we wish for Allah to answer our prayers and to be with us in times of hardship and sorrow, we should show concern for how we acquire the means for the food, drink, and clothing that we provide for ourselves and our families. We should make sure that it is lawfully earned, free form fraud, bribery, usurious dealings, and injustice. Those who earn their wealth unjustly are deserving of having their supplications ignored.

5. We should not be impatient for the answer.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) assured us: “Your supplications will be answered except for one who gets impatient and says: ‘I asked Allah but he did not answer me’.” [Sahih al-Bukhiri (6340) and Sahih Muslim (2735)]
If Allah wished, He could answer all of humanity’s supplications at the very moment that each supplication is uttered. However, Allah’s wisdom is infinite. He knows what we do not know. Therefore, He will surely answer us as long as we do not hasten on the answer. Instead, we should offer our supplications all the more, never despair, and never tire of doing so. We should know that we are upon what is good in our doing so, and that Allah knows all about our needs. He sees and hears all things, but He wants us to turn to Him in humility and devotion.

6. We should seek out the special times when our prayers are most likely to be answered.

These times include the hours of dawn before sunrise, the last daylight hour on Friday afternoon, the time when the preacher ascends the pulpit to deliver the Friday sermon, and the time at the end of each formal prayer before the tasl?m when we are still sitting after the tashahhud.
Another important time during our prayers for offering personal supplications is while we are in prostration. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The nearest a worshipper comes to his Lord is when he is prostrating. So offer supplications at this time, for you are more certain to be answered.” [Sahih Muslim]
Here we see Allah’s nearness being mentioned along with His being the Answerer of Prayers. It is due to the nearness of the worshipper to the Lord at these times that they are the best times to offer supplication.

Syukron kerana membaca post ini.Moga dapat manfaat darinya,inshAllah :)

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